Apple Turnover Puff Pastry filled with chunks of apples, topped with white icing drizzle....
Apple Fritter [button size='medium' style='' text='Return to Donuts' icon='' icon_color='#de0b0b' link='/donuts/' target='_self' color='#de0b0b' hover_color='#a8a5a5' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='#de0b0b' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin='']...
Rye Bread Light German Rye (Large only) Baked fresh on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday only....
Butter Crust White Bread Baked fresh on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday only....
Rosette Cupcake With Gold or Silver Foil Leaves [button size='' style='' text='Back to Cupcakes' icon='' icon_color='#e32020' link='' target='_self' color='#ffffff' hover_color='#e32020' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='#e32020' hover_background_color='' font_style='normal' font_weight='300' text_align='center' margin='5px']...
Beehive Cupcakes Ordering requirements: There is a 2 week advance notice requirement. Payment requirements: Advanced cash or card payment in full is required....
Baby Bootie Cupcakes Payment requirements: Advanced cash or card payment in full...