Wedding Cakes in Columbus, Ohio

Wedding Cakes / What should every bride know?

Cutting Wedding Cake

We are all guilty of it. Behind our calm, cool, and collected happy-go-lucky cake maker demeanour, there’s a voice just dying to yell at some of the brides we come across. Sometimes the customer is not always right, and there’s a number of things you’d love to kindly instruct your brides on. For this month’s Your Slice, we want to know…

If there’s one thing you could say to a bride who’s getting ready to select her wedding cake, what would it be?



Bakery Columbus, Ohio

Our first and basic ingredient is customer satisfaction, followed by a dedication to using the best ingredients to create a true from-scratch treat. It's all about the dessert. It's what we do, always have done and always will do... Desserts and CAKES. Come in and see what we have today. Visit our holiday pages for Christmas and Thanksgiving selections.